Monday, August 2, 2010

Weight Loss Is Simple, But Not Easy!

With over 30 percent of americans classified as overweight or obese, weight lose is becoming an increasingly large and heated issue. How many times have you tryed to diet, or how many people do you know that tryed do diet and failed? First weight loss occurs in the mind before it occurs in the body, you must change the way you think in order for your actions to follow. you must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, you must also do things you think you cannot do, your goals must equal your reality. Try giving yourself reasons why you can lose the weight, and never, never, never, give up. Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury it's an absolute necessity.

Small Changes become habits- Make one or two small lifestyle changes at a time.

A few things to remember: In order to keep off the weight, you must maintain your new habits for life, so adopt changes you can live with forever.

Strenght Training: has many benefits including

1. Boosting metabolism

2. Burning calories

3. Preventing bone loss

Exercise to keep your heart healthy:

1. Stretching

2. Cardiovascular

3. Aerobic

4. Walking

5. Bicycling

6. Swimming

Please consult your physician, before starting or changing your diet or exercise program.

Everyday Tips!
: Take The Stairs Instead Of The Elevator.

: Park Your Car At The Far End Of The Parking Lot.

: If You Take The Bus, Get Off Before Your Stop And Walk The Rest Of The Way.

: Have A Family Walk Day, After Dinner Would Be Nice
If you would like to lose 30 pounds in 30 days, this is a must have!
LiveFit 360 developed by Mr. USA John Defendis
This product will help you lose fat, increase energy, reduce water retention & cellulite. You will be able to recover faster from workouts for better results!
Weight Lose Is Different In Men And Women:
Women...Lose 20-25 pounds in 5-6 weeks!
Men...Lose 30-35 pounds in 5-6 weeks!
Gina's Weight Loss Recipes
Weight Loss Guru Pete Cohen
By: Karen Miller
Touch A Life Save A Life!