Monday, August 2, 2010

Weight Loss Is Simple, But Not Easy!

With over 30 percent of americans classified as overweight or obese, weight lose is becoming an increasingly large and heated issue. How many times have you tryed to diet, or how many people do you know that tryed do diet and failed? First weight loss occurs in the mind before it occurs in the body, you must change the way you think in order for your actions to follow. you must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, you must also do things you think you cannot do, your goals must equal your reality. Try giving yourself reasons why you can lose the weight, and never, never, never, give up. Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury it's an absolute necessity.

Small Changes become habits- Make one or two small lifestyle changes at a time.

A few things to remember: In order to keep off the weight, you must maintain your new habits for life, so adopt changes you can live with forever.

Strenght Training: has many benefits including

1. Boosting metabolism

2. Burning calories

3. Preventing bone loss

Exercise to keep your heart healthy:

1. Stretching

2. Cardiovascular

3. Aerobic

4. Walking

5. Bicycling

6. Swimming

Please consult your physician, before starting or changing your diet or exercise program.

Everyday Tips!
: Take The Stairs Instead Of The Elevator.

: Park Your Car At The Far End Of The Parking Lot.

: If You Take The Bus, Get Off Before Your Stop And Walk The Rest Of The Way.

: Have A Family Walk Day, After Dinner Would Be Nice
If you would like to lose 30 pounds in 30 days, this is a must have!
LiveFit 360 developed by Mr. USA John Defendis
This product will help you lose fat, increase energy, reduce water retention & cellulite. You will be able to recover faster from workouts for better results!
Weight Lose Is Different In Men And Women:
Women...Lose 20-25 pounds in 5-6 weeks!
Men...Lose 30-35 pounds in 5-6 weeks!
Gina's Weight Loss Recipes
Weight Loss Guru Pete Cohen
By: Karen Miller
Touch A Life Save A Life!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

To Love Or Not To Love That Is The question?

Your first love will never be forgotten, and the love you have for them will never change, But True love is something different you will know it when it happens to you, for me true love is when you can be yourself around that person and you could share anything with them telling them all about you even the things that you are ashamed of, When Mr. right or Mrs. right come alone you will know because you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with them, and when they walk into a room you will get weak in the knees, love is a powerful word and should only be used if the feeling are truly there, The word love could make you or break you if used just for play, sometimes the word could be deadly! The most important thing in life is to know how to love and when to let love come in.

A Love poem:

When I first saw you I was afraid to meet you, When I meet you I was afraid to kiss you, When I kissed you I was afraid to love you, Now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you!

A Love Quote:

If you love someone let them go, If they return they where always yours, If they don't they never were!

By: Karen Miller

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why You Should Join Lock Your Spot!

Lock Your Spot Is A World Wide Business Opportunity!

Why Lock Your Spot,

1. New Company New Money

2. Great Nutritional Products

3. Weekly and Monthly Pay

4. Shared Equity Program

5. The Smartline System

6. Life Changing Bonus of $100-$5,000 per month

7. Retail Sales Commission

8. Fast Start Bonus or Core Four -Double Your Fast Start Bonus

9. Generational Matching Bonus

10.BMW Bonus- one time downpayment of $2,000, and $400-$2,500 per month

11. Million Dollar Match (100% Matching Bonus... $500,000 to you ... $500,000 to your Sponsor)

12. Three All-Expenses Paid Vacation Per Year

13. Discount On Travel, and Shopping

14. liveSmart 360 Visa Debit Card Loaded Weekly And Monthly

Lock Your Spot had a soft launch May 15, 2010 and people world wide locked there spots, and this brand new company made 1 million Dollars in only one week in business, and they paid out close to 1 Million in there first pay run, But in January 2011 they will be having there Safe Body Care line & next will come the Non- Toxic Home Care line!

If Your Looking For A Home Based Business To Join This Is It!

Timing Is Everything Lock Your Spot Now!

Ground Floor Business Opportunity Join Now!

Work Smart, Play Smart, Live Smart!

: Smart Start Pack $99

: Million Dollar Match pack $299.99

: Million Dollar Tripack $499.99

: ERA Pack $999.99

By Karen Miller

Touch A Life Change A Life!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Work Smart, Play Smart, Live Smart!: How Hungry Are You For Change!

Work Smart, Play Smart, Live Smart!: How Hungry Are You For Change!: "You have to be hungry for change, Now ask yourself a question what would I like to change in my life think long and hard your answer may or..."

How Hungry Are You For Change!

You have to be hungry for change, Now ask yourself a question what would I like to change in my life think long and hard your answer may or may not surprise you, But whatever the change is even if it is where you live to the car you drive, or maybe it is the trips you take or would like to take or maybe it is the extra pounds you gained over the years, think about the change you want to happen in your life, The point I'm trying to make is if you put your mind to it you can do it, but first of all you have to change the way you think! Now are you hungry for change? If your not hungry for change in your life change will never happen, YOU GOTTA BE HUNGRY!

Steps You Can Take To Get You Started, But Don't Stop At Four Add To The List!

1. Change the way you think.

2. Be realistic.

3. Motivate self daily

4. Work on life goals.

For true personal growth development you must change your thoughts!

By: Karen Miller

Touch A life Change A Life

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Heart Attack Warning Signs

Catch the symptoms early learn what to look for, and also when to call 9-1-1. Half of the number of men and two-thirds of women die abruptly from heart disease, Sometimes there is no warning or no heart attack symptoms. This is easy to delay action when a heart attack occurs for this simple reason: You may not think it's a heart attack, but more than often a heart attack begins with mild pain or pressure in the chest. A blockage in the heart's arteries may reduce or completely cut off the blood supply to a portion of the heart this can cause blood clot to form and totally stop blood flow in a coronary artery resulting in a heart attack.

Heart Attack Warning Signs: ( Provided by the American Heart Association)

: Chest Discomfort- many heart attacks involue discomfort in the chest that last more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back, it can feel like Pressure, Squeezing, Fullness, or Pain, REMEMBER Not all people with heart attacks have chest pains.

Discomfort In other Areas Of The Body:

: Symptoms discomfort in one or both arms, the back, the neck, jaw or stomach.

: Shortness of breath

: Breaking out in a cold sweat

: Feeling nauseous, or lightheaded

: Increased or irregular heart rate

Women Remember, Symptoms are not as predictable in women as they are in men!

: Unusual fatigue

: Sleep disturbance

: Indigestion

: Dizziness

: Weekness

: Cold Sweat

If you notice this signs in yourself or someone else get help fast


Every Second Count's, In event of Cardiopulmonary Assest ( No Breathing or Pulse) call 9-1-1 and begin CPR Immediately.

Touch A Life, And Save A Life!

By: Karen Miller

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Work From Home

Working from home allows you the time to spend with family, But it is a great way to make loads of money. Sure there are many perks when you work from home, realistically most people who work from home make more money from home then they ever could make working a nine to five in the work force. This is because most Entrepreneurs have an extremely strong work ethic. Working from home and owning your own business allows you to step out and give yourself a shot at total financial freedom, Rember you deserve it. Facts are working from home is more challenging than a nine to five job, there will be many bumps in the road but you must stay focus. The growth of the internet has provided a enormous number of opportunity for peple to establish simple home based businesses online.

By: Karen Miller
Touch A Life Change A Life

Home Based Business You Could Join Right Now!

: Free Traffic Blueprint!

: The Only Tool You Need To Grow Any Business, Group, or Team!

Women In Business

Women in business times has changed, The gender differences were often small, and men sometimes earned higher marks in some critical areas. But researchers found that women got higher ratings than men on almost every skill measured. Women get high ratings on exactly those skills needed to succeed in the global information age, where team work and partnering is a must and is important." Sometimes women biggest strenghts can also be their greatest weaknesses, by working so hard to get great results, they often take away time from building critical business alliances. But women are more likely to do their own work, and own their own business, Times have changed!

By: Karen Miller
Touch A Life Change A Life

Work From Home: Join Now For FREE!

The Only Tool You'll Need To Grow Any Business Or Group:

The Worst City For Unemployment

Do you think you live in the worst city for Employment? Does it seem impossible for you to find a good job in the area you live in? Well I have some good news for you. The answer changes based on how you define "Worst" Is it the city with the highest Unemployment rate or the lowest projected job growth, or the hightest cost of living in combination with the lowest average salary? Forbes has ranked the 100 largest cities based on median income, Unemployment rate, Income Growth, Cost Of Living and Job Growth. According to this list the best city for Employment is Salt Lake City, UT and the Worst city is Detroit, MI

This Is Why Network Marketing Is A Must!

By: Karen Miller
Touch A Life Change A Life