Thursday, July 22, 2010

Heart Attack Warning Signs

Catch the symptoms early learn what to look for, and also when to call 9-1-1. Half of the number of men and two-thirds of women die abruptly from heart disease, Sometimes there is no warning or no heart attack symptoms. This is easy to delay action when a heart attack occurs for this simple reason: You may not think it's a heart attack, but more than often a heart attack begins with mild pain or pressure in the chest. A blockage in the heart's arteries may reduce or completely cut off the blood supply to a portion of the heart this can cause blood clot to form and totally stop blood flow in a coronary artery resulting in a heart attack.

Heart Attack Warning Signs: ( Provided by the American Heart Association)

: Chest Discomfort- many heart attacks involue discomfort in the chest that last more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back, it can feel like Pressure, Squeezing, Fullness, or Pain, REMEMBER Not all people with heart attacks have chest pains.

Discomfort In other Areas Of The Body:

: Symptoms discomfort in one or both arms, the back, the neck, jaw or stomach.

: Shortness of breath

: Breaking out in a cold sweat

: Feeling nauseous, or lightheaded

: Increased or irregular heart rate

Women Remember, Symptoms are not as predictable in women as they are in men!

: Unusual fatigue

: Sleep disturbance

: Indigestion

: Dizziness

: Weekness

: Cold Sweat

If you notice this signs in yourself or someone else get help fast


Every Second Count's, In event of Cardiopulmonary Assest ( No Breathing or Pulse) call 9-1-1 and begin CPR Immediately.

Touch A Life, And Save A Life!

By: Karen Miller

1 comment:

  1. Great post Karen, and you never know, you may have just helped save a life by posting this information. My mother had a heart attack at 51, she survived but it was a huge wake up call for her. Great blog, be blessed.
