Thursday, July 29, 2010

To Love Or Not To Love That Is The question?

Your first love will never be forgotten, and the love you have for them will never change, But True love is something different you will know it when it happens to you, for me true love is when you can be yourself around that person and you could share anything with them telling them all about you even the things that you are ashamed of, When Mr. right or Mrs. right come alone you will know because you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with them, and when they walk into a room you will get weak in the knees, love is a powerful word and should only be used if the feeling are truly there, The word love could make you or break you if used just for play, sometimes the word could be deadly! The most important thing in life is to know how to love and when to let love come in.

A Love poem:

When I first saw you I was afraid to meet you, When I meet you I was afraid to kiss you, When I kissed you I was afraid to love you, Now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you!

A Love Quote:

If you love someone let them go, If they return they where always yours, If they don't they never were!

By: Karen Miller

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