Monday, July 26, 2010

How Hungry Are You For Change!

You have to be hungry for change, Now ask yourself a question what would I like to change in my life think long and hard your answer may or may not surprise you, But whatever the change is even if it is where you live to the car you drive, or maybe it is the trips you take or would like to take or maybe it is the extra pounds you gained over the years, think about the change you want to happen in your life, The point I'm trying to make is if you put your mind to it you can do it, but first of all you have to change the way you think! Now are you hungry for change? If your not hungry for change in your life change will never happen, YOU GOTTA BE HUNGRY!

Steps You Can Take To Get You Started, But Don't Stop At Four Add To The List!

1. Change the way you think.

2. Be realistic.

3. Motivate self daily

4. Work on life goals.

For true personal growth development you must change your thoughts!

By: Karen Miller

Touch A life Change A Life

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